Day 167 – The Basics of Surrender to Jesus


Day 167 – The Basics of Surrender to Jesus.

Letting go of control is easier said than done. And if it’s just simply ‘said’ then it’s highly unlikely that it’s actually being done.

It’s a mindset and activity shift of the deepest level of the soul; the only way I know to fully activate it is to take a step of massive, radical submission; the ‘leap of faith.’

Many things in this world are so much bigger than us and it takes incredulously tragic moments like natural disasters, global economic recession, famine, pestilence, war, and death for our human minds to comprehend how lowly and powerless we really are…

These colossal situations shake us at the core in ways that every day challenges can’t.

I discovered the existence and love of Jesus in the following:

(1) Being obedient to Jesus in something extremely discomforting e.g. giving up an activity I enjoyed yet KNEW TRUTHFULLY wasn’t healthy for me

(2) Choosing surrender to HIM with LOVE rather than out of fear – “not my will, but yours be done.”

The ‘surrender’ part of life’s journey is significant to sustainable, REAL peace and joy whereas striving to control life will always produce the byproduct of blinding pride and debilitating fear; the pride and/or fear might be well camouflaged.

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