Being a GOOD person


How ‘human progression’ steals, kills, and destroys the produce of healthy, Holy fruit

Being a GOOD PERSON – Part 2 – I don’t dislike technology

I don’t dislike human progression in the form of technology.

In fact, my preferential apartment aesthetic would be ‘ultra-contemporary’ with all the technological advancement neatly implemented within the architecture.

In full transparency, I use computers, I communicate via social media, and my phone contains my daily routine, Bible App, banking platforms, health and fitness programmes, and travel aids.

Also, the irony is not lost on me that to publish this article, technology is being utilised.

Additionally, I still marvel at technological advancement, like seeing a colossal glass skyscraper that uses sun energy to power itself – how did the builders follow the blueprint to create such a masterful display of engineering?

Even the basics like Physics lessons in Secondary School where we learnt how to put together a switch and light-bulb circuit were fascinating.

Then there’s the ridiculously amazing mechanics of HD television!

Basic television was a sufficient wonder, but DVD, then Blu-ray, and now a picture so sharp it looks as though we can touch the people in the image!

And not to forget the fact that we can communicate across great distances in different time zones through video conferencing!


How has humanity managed such feats of ingenuity?  

But…this is where my respect and marvelling ends, because the cost of unrestrained dependency on technology is too great…and this is what we’ve been lured into – ‘excessive reliance‘ on tech as though it were a biological human organ, governing our vitality.

Today, the CEOs of technology companies are pressing for “[complete reliance on tech for every civic activity in a person’s life].”

I paraphrased this quote from a Guardian article I read online, regarding the COVID 19 pandemic and how technology is thriving.

While it might seem like life would be even more ‘convenient’ than it already is through further unnecessary technological advancement (4G is just fine. 5G is not required thanks), I’m going to make a bold statement and suggest:

Human progression in the form of technology is a subtle deception that’s eroding the potential to produce Holy Spirit-inspired fruit.

I can already hear all the arguments against this declaration and having experienced some of them, here are a few more of my thoughts for sake of clarity:

(1) I’m not making the judgement that technology is sin. Such judgement is for God alone. But this doesn’t hinder wise counsel, healthy advisories, or stimulating questioning to open the eyes of others. It’s for every person walking with God to discern for themselves how technology is used in their lives through the testing of their faith, alongside the beautiful light of God’s authoritative Truth available to all of us.

(2) I’m not pitting technology up against spirituality as though they were binary opposites (though I can see a very clear argument for this line of thinking).

(3) I’m not setting technology up against faith as though they were conflicting forces (though there are VERY strong arguments that could make a case for this too).

(4) I’m not trying to suggest new rules or laws about technology usage for Christians.

(5) This article is to present an awareness of the subconscious by-product of excessive reliance on technology…that’s all. And we will delve into that ‘by-product’ later…

Keeping all this in mind for the observations and reflections I’ve been led to reveal, I hope the following chapters of this article will grant people wise vigilance over their time expenditure.

Sadly, like any good deception, there is something very crafty in what reliance on technology will do to a person, whether they realise it or not...




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