Day 413 – The craftiness of addiction…
There are some addictions that are extremely crafty in their nature…invisible because they’re not societal taboos, yet damaging in extreme ways to physical, mental, or relational health. Examples like the accepted ‘workaholism’ or the elusive ‘refined-sugar goods compulsion’ provide an unhealthy elation and depression when the need is not satisfied. I’ve come to realise that the best definition of addiction is “any proactive behaviour that attempts to fill the void where ‘agape love’ should be.” As cliché as it sounds, ‘agape love’ is the most powerful force on this planet, and a deep need like oxygen or blood. Our human attempts to fill that gap result in our consistent and desperate chase for worth, pleasure, significance, and/ or security. Addiction is pursuit of a counterfeit of ‘agape love;’ the counterfeit always has a quick expiry and creates a blood contract for eternal feeding of the lookalike.
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