Day 171 – Trust

With so much information out there, it’s hard to know who or what to trust. Survival instinct is fantastic for physically perilous fight or flight situations, but I would never trust it as the driver for higher moral reasoning or the deduction of the world’s deeply enigmatic mysteries. Such trust can only be given to one source for “we can only have one master.” …better make sure it’s the right source… Continue Reading →

Day 165 – The Birth of Negativity

Negativity can come from external, bad influences. But it’s not rooted in them. The more I get to know the humble, lowly, forgiving character of Jesus, the more I recognise that every single negative thought and emotion—without exception—is birthed by the ego; that place of self-envisioned self-importance that exists in every single one of us; that place that has the ability to deceive us into thinking we have absolute control over life’s outcomes. Continue Reading →