Day 697 – The fall of the world…

Day 697 – The fall of the world…

Friday, Sept 10, 2021…

10:55 am…


A word that has been misused, abused, misinterpreted, and confused, so much so that it no longer holds weight in contemporary, western society…

An acquaintance approached me yesterday in Leicester Square and we engaged in our usual discussion about the world…

As always, I approached the world from my Christ-centred, Spirit-led disposition and he stood on his psychological, philosophical stance…

He posed the question that he’s asked a number of times over the last few months…

“How do I find a good woman?”…

The problem that my good acquaintance has come up against is one that’s far bigger than him and he knows it. He’s young, wealthy, has good parenting, and a solid education. He has succeeded in his career path and has a stoic disposition about life, but he’s identified a challenge he can’t overcome with psychology or philosophy, hence his question…

He’s dated and seen the ugly power that Instagram has over humanity…

Currently, he sees no other choice with his dilemma than to adapt to the world around him, acknowledging that such adaptation will be catastrophically unhealthy. But as he puts it: “What’s a young person to do?”…

The fall of the world since the days of The Garden has transformed us all – noticeably. Some will acknowledge it. Some will dismiss it. Some will call it progress and evolution. Others will call it regression and devolution…

I know of only one answer with which to maintain stability, peace, and joy in a world that is conspicuously mutating…

Jesus Christ…

Check out my novel ‘The Paradise Induction’ HERE:




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