Audible Voice Test 1 – Beginning of a short story

Audible Voice Test 1

The beginning of a short story

I wrote this gruesome little piece over a decade ago.

The concept was a prequel to assist a friend’s project, but I never did get around to full immersion of the story. All I have is the beginning and several pages of notes…

It described a predatory creature from my friend’s novel; a monster from an alternate reality that fed on humans and had the ability to ‘shapeshift.’

I won’t be completing this short story in this lifetime, but I’m using it here as an opportunity to test the two-hundred plus words with my ‘audio-book voice.’

Changing Places

By Stephen L France

“…matricide, patricide, murder, and cannibalism. The suspected assailant is said to be eight years old…”

I opened my eyes.

The muffled voice of the news-reader on the radio, meandered beneath the static as it lost reception.

I blinked as the radio resurrected focus.

“…authorities are both bewildered and horrified at this discovery, that emerges years after the crimes are alleged to have been committed.”

I removed the covers of my bed, rolled on my side, and sat up. A smile painted my face. I couldn’t help but shake my head, and raise my eyebrows. I reached out and switched off the radio.

The London Underground running below my apartment-building, roared through shaking my naked room like a child rattling for the last coins in his piggy bank.

The glow of the moon through the window was a glorious spectacle of night’s temporary victory over day.

I felt hunger. I wanted something with a mixture of flavours. Something simple. Something that would keep me satisfied for a very, long time.

I stepped into the bathroom, grabbed the cylindrical tube of paste they use for teeth, and the instrument they call a toothbrush.

I’d never brushed the teeth before this; simply didn’t care to, but it was an unusual experience, making the mouth feel as if someone was blowing cool, clean air into it.

I looked at the new face in the mirror. The blue eyes sparkled, the blond hair shined, and the cheekbones were so well chiselled.

I flexed the biceps and brushed the hair back.

I returned to the bedroom, putting on a tight, black pullover, blue, wide worker jeans, heavy black Caterpillar boots, and a black anorak.

Walking outside, the season they called winter slapped against my jacket.

The cold air held no scent….

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