Tag: jesusistheway
Day 489 – The deadliest weapon…
…in the world, is the tongue. Continue Reading →
Day 487 – Avoid Accusation…
The execution of sound judgement over accusation can be the difference between edification and an argument Continue Reading →
Day 485 – Mercy of God…
It’s an incredible mercy of God that we don’t know the real evils that exist in this world. Continue Reading →
Day 483 – Charity keeps no record of wrongs…
Charity keeps no record of wrongs Continue Reading →
Day 481 – A world without objective morality…
Intimidating fact: In a godless worldview, there is no objective morality. Continue Reading →
Day 479 – True vulnerability…
Transparency and peace about personal humiliation is the highest form of vulnerability and honesty. Continue Reading →
Day 477 – Faith hopes in the invisible…
Fear is self-preserving reaction to visible circumstances. Faith is optimistic proactivity in invisible hopes and dreams. Continue Reading →
Faith or Fear? – [Video 8]
Will we be proactive with God’s calling or reactive to the circumstances? Continue Reading →
Day 475 – Fear is a lie…
Fear lies with a negative that hasn’t happened. Faith hopes in the positive founded on universal Truth. Continue Reading →