Day 517 – An unfair trial of life…
Can be the opportunity to truly love Continue Reading →
Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work
At 35 years old, it was all supposed to be complete.
A loving wife, three or four children, one adopted, a successful writing career, and financial freedom so that money anxiety wasn’t a hindrance.
I even moved countries, just to make sure it would all come together.
There was no way I would be the single guy at the prophesied ‘adult’ social dinner.
How did it go so wrong when I really tried to fulfil this?
I’d had the dream since I was 10 years old!
Why didn’t I succeed?
Was my request too much?
Raw Truth Thought Journal is about life’s challenging moments and the spontaneous perceptions that emerge in my mind.
Now that I’m in no man’s land with an expired life plan, God at the helm, and faith through Jesus as my daily guidance, might as well keep a record to see where this all goes…
Can be the opportunity to truly love Continue Reading →
Decency without an audience Continue Reading →
The forgotten superpower in a fast world Continue Reading →
There’s no such thing as boredom Continue Reading →
Holds deep redemptive power. Continue Reading →
…”I can do anything by God’s strength in me!” Continue Reading →
…peace of mind. Continue Reading →
…Helping others. Continue Reading →