Day 417 – Character Quality…
“Character is what you are in the dark.” – D L Moody Continue Reading →
Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work
At 35 years old, it was all supposed to be complete.
A loving wife, three or four children, one adopted, a successful writing career, and financial freedom so that money anxiety wasn’t a hindrance.
I even moved countries, just to make sure it would all come together.
There was no way I would be the single guy at the prophesied ‘adult’ social dinner.
How did it go so wrong when I really tried to fulfil this?
I’d had the dream since I was 10 years old!
Why didn’t I succeed?
Was my request too much?
Raw Truth Thought Journal is about life’s challenging moments and the spontaneous perceptions that emerge in my mind.
Now that I’m in no man’s land with an expired life plan, God at the helm, and faith through Jesus as my daily guidance, might as well keep a record to see where this all goes…
“Character is what you are in the dark.” – D L Moody Continue Reading →
Saying “yes” to a discomforting opportunity is where we see spiritual, psychological, and sometimes physical growth. Continue Reading →
There are some addictions that are extremely crafty in their nature… Continue Reading →
Some arrive at the conclusion that the key to freedom is financial security. While completely logical, money is no slave to any person, but rather a crafty master of all who attempt to control it. Continue Reading →
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness… Continue Reading →
During a lockdown, still not sure it’s the wisest move to be writing a book that provokes deeply challenging memories. But what better opportunity will there be? Continue Reading →
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed us… Continue Reading →
A few days ago, I commenced a concerted effort to write The Paradise Seduction, the sequel to my novel The Paradise Induction…It took me six months to write TPI. Continue Reading →
The quest of the human plight can be summarised as simply this: to be free of the ‘negative…’ Continue Reading →
Which is the most universal characteristic of the human condition? Fear or sloth? Continue Reading →