2020 – Surrendering my Life…Reflecting on 35 Years


The days are moving very slowly for which I’m grateful. I prefer for time to move slowly.

With this Corona Virus, it’s been so interesting to see the Scriptures come to life in people’s reaction.

I’ve never come across a more thorough description of humanity than in the Bible.

The “stiff-necked” nature of man–as described by the Bible– means there are a great multitude that still ignore the Government advisory to ‘stay home.’

I admit, I would’ve been one of them had God not communicated with me through my memories on Thursday of last week.

Age 10
Age 10
Christmas 1993 - My first VHS
Christmas 1993 – My first VHS
Class of 1994 - 1995
Class of 1994 – 1995

(10) Learning about competition and failure

1993 – 1994. Age Ten.

Studying became extremely intense.

My mother wanted me to attend a private Secondary School, which meant I needed external tutors in the subjects of Maths, English, and Verbal Reasoning.

I had about five different tutors over the course of two years (1994 – 1996) as well as Saturday School.

I was doing many extra-curricular activities to make me the right candidate in application to these private schools.

For me, passing these exams was about acquiring an Assisted Place. It was a scheme of the Conservative Government where they’d pay the school fees for less financially-able families.

BUT…I learned the pain of rejection through failing my first attempt at the 10+ school entrance exams.

I passed two of the examinations for schools Emmanuel and City of London, but my mother’s heart was set on Westminster School.

It was a sharp lesson. A lot of pressure.

I recall playing Donkey Kong Country on the SNES to ease my pain as I slowly absorbed that I’d failed myself, my mother, and all those tutors.

December 12, 1993 – Children’s Piano concert
August 28, 1994 – Holiday in Derbyshire

Message from Jesus – “There is no failure in Christ.”

Message from the World – “You failed your exams. You’re not good enough. You’re not wanted. You made a fool of yourself. You loser.”

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