2020 – Surrendering my Life…Reflecting on 35 Years

Age 2
Age 2
With two friends...I have no idea who these kids are...
With two friends…I have no idea who these kids are…

(2) The meaning of my name

1985 – 1986. Age Two.

Until I hit 30, I didn’t like my name.

I thought Stephen was common and boring. That was until I embraced the fact it was also the name of the first Christian martyr.

Something about that historical fact gives me great pleasure though I can’t really explain why.

I’d known about the martyr Stephen when I was a child, but perhaps it was because at 30 I became a Christian and it therefore held greater significance for me…

In 2016, I did research into my name and found out what it means.

My first name Stephen means Crown.

My second name Leslie is from a Scottish surname, which was derived from the Gaelic leas celyn meaning ‘garden of holly.’

I received Stephen from my mother’s maiden name ‘Stephens,’ and Leslie from my father’s middle name.

The two potential alternatives to my first name were Christopher and Charles; hence, the protagonist’s name in my novel The Paradise Induction.

Message from Jesus – “Be a child.”

Message from the World – “Adapt, learn, and survive.”

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