I’m growing increasingly fatigued by these circulating messages of panic and fear.
I focus my attention on God and God alone, because there is no other force on Earth that can stand against the chaos of a global threat.
The latest message is saying that full-blown military lock-down will be coming on Thursday as it’s anticipated that THIS is when we will see the absolute peak of this epidemic.
*** update – 15.4.2020 – the above never happened…
(13) Fighting
1996 – 1997. Age Thirteen.
I had more physical fights than the average child in this school.
Perhaps it was because I was from a State School.
Perhaps it was because I wanted to prove myself.
Another observation point was how much I failed to get on with other black children.
This conundrum followed me through every institution I went, whether school, summer holiday play-centres, or even Sunday School at church! (YOU CAN READ MORE ON THIS IN THE FREE PREVIEW OF MY NOVEL THE PARADISE INDUCTION CH.2).
I did average in my studies and at the end of the year, we had to choose a language to focus on.
Most chose Spanish.
The other options–German and Latin–were least favourable.
The smart kids chose German, citing their reasoning as, “future business relationships.”
My mother forced me to select Latin.
At the time, I was furious.
Now, I’m so glad.
To have learnt the basic skills of etymology, not to mention an introduction to Greek and Roman mythology, was a blessing.
Message from Jesus – ” – ”
Message from the World – “Atheism means your intelligent. Got to appear smart. The Bible is just an old, fallible book.”
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