2020 – Surrendering my Life…Reflecting on 35 Years


Going through these memories is actually discomforting at times.

When I scroll through my Facebook photos right back to where they began in university, many confused emotions emerge.

The reason why I say they’re confusing is because any good emotions or thoughts that arrive for me clearly fit in the sphere of ego.

The images are memories that could easily puff me up, which is not something I seek.

Because of my eye for detail, I even spot the photos that have been removed by people for various reasons…

It’s amazing having a good memory, but sometimes, it doesn’t feel very good.

2011 - My Bartending days... Age 27
2011 – My Bartending days… Age 27
My dad visits the islands for a day off a cruise ship, pictured here with the owner of the bar I worked at
My dad visits the islands for a day off a cruise ship, pictured here with the owner of the bar I worked at
Feb 2012 - my work colleagues
Feb 2012 – my work colleagues
stephen l france
Aunt’s Wedding in the Caribbean
stephen l france

(28) Island Prisoner

2011 – 2012. Age Twenty-Eight.

Feb 2012 began one of the harshest life experiences I’ve ever endured.

It was a Saturday night on February 25 (to be precise, the early hours of the morning on Feb 26), when a few minutes of my life would govern the next year and four months.

In the natural, survival response to defend myself in a bar fight, I gained the criminal charge of GBH.

If you don’t know what that is, I will just say that bar fights usually carry a lesser charge of ABH.

GBH is severe.

It’s a Crown Court or Supreme Court matter, depending on the name of country’s highest court.

The charge was shocking enough, but the notoriety was worse.

The man I’d fought was connected to high officials in the judicial and legal system.

Think John Grisham conspiracy on a smaller scale and you’re not far off what I experienced. Even writing this now (2.7.2020), it doesn’t seem like it was real. But it happened.

An online News site I’d worked for on the islands branded me the antagonist in the affair.

EVERYONE on the island who read the online News (most did), knew about my situation.

You might ask, “why would an online News site you worked for brand you the antagonist?”

You may also ask, “how did you acquire the charge GBH?”

You can find some of the answers in my novel The Paradise Induction.

The main story will be retold in the fictionalised account The Paradise Seduction.

It was certainly one of the most oppressive scenarios I’ve ever lived through.

With my upbringing and education, I’d honestly thought I’d never see the other side of the law.

For people to approach or not approach me–feigning ignorance–about something that was painted inaccurately, had a vampiric effect on my entire being; my health started to fail massively.

I didn’t make it any better with an increase in hedonistic excesses to dull the fear, pain, and massive humiliation.

The unfairness of the justice system was fully revealed to me in ways that WILL shock any lay person.

I was treated like a prisoner, which included confiscation of my passport, signing into a prisoner police book on Mon and Fri to say I was on the island, and endurance of very twisted court proceedings.

All of this will be in the The Paradise Seduction.

While it might be a surprise, I’m glad for the harsh journey.

I learned more of this world than ever possible without the experience…

Message from Jesus – “-”

Message from the World – “You’re in so much trouble now.”

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